#4154 - Vision 74 Cockpit
Production Motor Yacht
The New Vision 68 and 74 – built beyond the industry standard. The construction of the entire Vision 68/74 is built beyond the requirements of DNV Classifications Society scantling requirements. Gregory C. Marshall Naval Architect engineered the Vision 68/74 Structure to be lightweight, have excellent strength and using smart molded parts to fit together with high precision. All components of the Vision 68/74 are SCRIMP® using Vinylester Resin and high quality stitched E-Glass ensuring the highest quality laminates, lightweight and excellent strength. All the internal bottom framing of the 68/74 hull have been SCRIMP® together with the hull creating a monolithic structure that doesn’t rely on secondary bonding. The hull of the 68/74 also utilizes a high density core construction that not only creates a stiffer hull but also has the benefits of excellent impact resistance form floating debris, sound insulation for a quieter running hull and thermal insulation. The Deck and Superstructure of the 68/74 follow the same principals of the hull, using cored construction that is SCRIMP® so to ensure strong, lightweight and long-lasting structures that exceed the standards of Yachts in her class. With very smart part modeling, the structural components of the 68/74 fit together with a very high level of precise, basically eliminating the need to fair or mask the joints. This precision creates a fit and finish that puts the Vision 68/74 at the top of her Class for Quality. The Vision 68 structure has been engineered and built to last a life time.